Acronyms in Special Education

ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis

ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act of 2008

ADHD - Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

AEIS - Academic Excellence Indicator System                                                                           

AEP - Alternative Education Program            

AI - Auditory Impairment

AIP - Accelerated Instruction Plan

ALS - Academic Life Skills

APE - Adapted Physical Education

ARD - Admission, Review and Dismissal Committee

ASL - American Sign Language

AT - Assistive Technology

AU  - Autism

AVLS - Academic and Vocational Life Skills

AYP - Annual Yearly Progress

BIC - Behavior Intervention Classroom

BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan

CTE - Career and Technical Education

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations

CLASS - Comprehensive Learner Adapted Scope and Sequence

COSF - Child Outcome Survey Form

CPI - Crisis Prevention Intervention

CPS - Child Protective Services

CSR - Confidential Student Report

DAEP - Disciplinary Alternative Education Program

DARS - Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services

DB - Deaf/Blind

DNQ - Did Not Qualify

DSM-IV-TR - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - 4th Ed., Text Revision

EC - Early Childhood - see PPCD

ECI - Early Childhood Intervention

EE - Early Education

ELL - English Language Learner

ED - Emotional Disturbance

EOC - End of Course

ESC - Education Service Center

ESL - English as a Second Language

ESY - Extended School Year

FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education

FBA - Functional Behavior Assessment

FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FIE - Full Individual Evaluation

FLS - Functional Life Skills

FOF - Focus on the Future

GPC - Grade Placement Committee

HB - Homebound Program

HI - Hearing Impairment

HLS - Home Language Survey

ID - Intellectual Disability

IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEE - Independent Educational Evaluation

IEP - Individualized Education Program

IFSP - Individual Family Service Plan

IHT - In-Home Training

ISS - In-School Suspension

ITP - Individual Transition Plan

JJAEP - Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Pro-gram

LD - Learning Disability

LEA - Local Education Agency

LEP - Limited English Proficient

LPAC - Language Proficiency Assessment Committee

LRE - Least Restrictive Environment

LSSP - Licensed Specialist in School Psychology

MD - Multiple Disabilities

MDR - Manifest Determination Review

NCEC - Non-Categorical Early Childhood

NCLB - No Child Left Behind

OCR - Office of Civil Rights

OHI - Other Health Impairment

OI - Orthopedically Impairment

O&M - Orientation & Mobility

OSEP - Office of Special Education Programs

OSERS - Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

OT - Occupational Therapy

PBS - Positive Behavioral Supports

PBMAS - Performance-Based Monitoring Analysis

PEIMS - Public Education Information Management System

PDD-NOS - Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified

PGP - Personal Graduation Plan

PLAAFP - Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

PPCD - Preschool Program for Children with Disabilite

PT - Physical Therapy

REED - Review of Existing Evaluation Data

RDSPD - Regional Day School Program for the Deaf

RPTE - Reading Proficiency Test in English

RTI - Response to Intervention

SAPP - School Age Parenting Program

SEAS - Special Education Automation Software

SHARS - School Health and Related Services

SI - Speech Impairment

SITP - Student Intervention Team Planning

SLD - Specific Learning Disability

SSI - Student Success Initiative

STAAR - State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness

TAC - Texas Administrative Code

TEA - Texas Education Agency

TEC - Texas Education Code

TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury

TBSI - Texas Behavior Support Initiative

TEA - Texas Education Agency

TEAMS - Teaching for Emotional, Academic and Motivational Success

TEC - Texas Education Code

TEKS - Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills

TELPAS - Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment Summary

TSBVI - Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired

TYC - Texas Youth Commission

VAC - Vocational Adjustment Coordinator/Class

VB-MAPP - Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program

VI - Visual Impairment